Hernia Mesh Complications to Watch Out For

The makers of widely used hernia mesh devices like Ethicon Physiomesh, Atrium C-Qur mesh and Covidien Parietex mesh face a growing number of product liability lawsuits filed on behalf of patients who have suffered debilitating, sometimes permanent, injuries allegedly caused by defective mesh devices. More and more, hernia mesh recipients are reporting complications like mesh erosion, mesh migration, infections and internal injuries, many of which result in the need for revision surgery to remove or replace the failed device. If you received a hernia mesh implant and you have since suffered one or more complications you believe to be related to the design of the mesh device, consult a knowledgeable hernia mesh attorney as soon as possible to discuss the possibility of filing a legal claim against the mesh manufacturing company.

What is Hernia Mesh Used For?

Hernia mesh is a surgical implant, often made of a synthetic plastic called polypropylene, that is intended to reinforce torn or damaged tissue around hernias and prevent them from reoccurring. Covidien Parietex mesh is a two-sided hernia mesh device commonly used during certain ventral hernia repairs to fix tears or openings in the abdominal wall. The composite mesh implant is coated with an absorbable collagen barrier designed to prevent mesh shrinkage and other complications. However, a growing number of product liability lawsuits allege that the design of Covidien Parietex mesh and other similar mesh devices actually make them prone to failure and increase the risk of hernia mesh complications. Among the complications to watch out for regarding hernia mesh are:

  • Infection
  • Mesh shrinkage
  • Mesh erosion
  • Mesh migration
  • Adherence to internal tissue
  • Bowel obstruction
  • Seromas (pockets of fluid)
  • Damage to internal organs
  • Need for revision surgery

Hernia Mesh Lawsuits Filed Over Complications

This new hernia mesh lawsuit was filed by Gary Northrup in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California on February 21. In his claim, Northrup alleges that he suffered permanent injuries due to the defective design of Covidien Parietex mesh and that his injuries persisted even after he underwent revision surgery to have the failed hernia mesh device removed. Northrup names as defendants in the lawsuit Covidien, L.P. and Medtronic, Inc. and alleges that the companies manufactured and sold a defective and unreasonably dangerous medical product, thereby exposing patients to suffer severe, long-lasting injuries that could have been avoided had they been adequately warned about the potential risk of complications from hernia mesh.

Mesh Implant Migrated Out of Position

According to his lawsuit, Northrup underwent laparoscopic ventral hernia repair in September 2013 and at that time, was implanted with a Parietex Optimized Composite Mesh implant and a Parietex Hyrdophilic Anatomical Mesh implant. Following surgery, Northrup began experiencing abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, vomiting, bowel obstructions and other complications that resulted in numerous trips to the emergency room. Northrup’s pain and complications continued for several years until his doctor finally determined in March 2018 that the Parietex Optimized Composite Mesh was causing the problems and had to be removed. During revision surgery to remove the failed mesh, Northrup’s surgeon discovered that the mesh device had migrated out of position and his bowels had also moved, which caused him to suffer chronically inflamed adhesions and was responsible for his pain, nausea, vomiting and other complications.

“Defendants claim that the Parietex Optimized Composite Mesh incites true tissue integration rather than inflammatory encapsulation and is optimized to minimize shrinkage,” Northrup’s hernia mesh lawsuit states. “However, the composition of polyester in the Parietex Optimized Composite Mesh is weak. It tears easily during handling and is known to unravel causing the polyester fibers to detach and travel to other parts of the body inciting an inflammatory response. Parietex Optimized Composite Mesh further contracts over time causing tension to increase where secured by tacks and sutures resulting in tearing.”

Contact a Hernia Mesh Attorney for Legal Help

Northrup’s complaint raises a number of allegations against the makers of Covidien Parietex mesh, which are similar to those put forth in the thousands of other hernia mesh lawsuits currently pending in courts across the country. The ongoing hernia mesh litigation accuses mesh manufacturers of knowing about the potential for hernia mesh implants to expose patients to severe, debilitating complications and failing to warn consumers and the medical community about this risk. If you or someone you love has suffered serious complications allegedly caused by a defective hernia mesh implant, do not hesitate to seek qualified legal help. With a reputable product liability lawyer on your side, you can ensure that your legal rights are protected and pursue the financial compensation you deserve for your mesh-related injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses.

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