Do I Qualify for an Elmiron Injury Lawsuit?

Elmiron injury attorneys are in the process of reviewing product liability claims brought by patients who have suffered pigmentary maculopathy side effects allegedly caused by Janssen Pharmaceuticals’ controversial interstitial cystitis medication. If you developed symptoms like blurred vision, vision distortion, difficulty reading, difficulty adjusting to dim lighting, vision loss, or blindness, and you were prescribed Elmiron for interstitial cystitis, contact a knowledgeable Elmiron eye injury attorney right away. You may be experiencing Elmiron-related maculopathy, a devastating eye disease that can lead to vision impairment and permanent blindness in patients with chronic exposure to Elmiron. Thousands of former Elmiron users have filed legal claims against Janssen Pharmaceuticals, and you, too, may qualify for financial compensation for any injuries you allegedly sustained as a result of your Elmiron treatment. Time is running out to file a claim, so don’t wait to call.

What are the Possible Risks of Elmiron Use?

Elmiron is the brand name of a popular prescription medication introduced by Janssen Pharmaceuticals in 1996 as a treatment for interstitial cystitis (IC), a chronic bladder condition that causes bladder pressure and bladder pain, sometimes accompanied by pelvic pain. There is no cure for IC and Elmiron is considered the first line of defense for IC sufferers. As such, millions of people with IC take Elmiron every day to manage their symptoms, many with no knowledge of the potential for long-term Elmiron use to damage the retina. It was only in 2018 that concerns were first raised about the link between chronic exposure to Elmiron and impaired vision or permanent blindness, when doctors at the Emory Eye Center in Georgia identified a novel eye disease afflicting patients who seemed to have only one thing in common – Elmiron use. In the years since, researchers have expanded on these findings, publishing studies and case reports describing a new kind of “vision-threatening” eye condition linked to long-term exposure to pentosan polysulfate sodium (Elmiron). 

Elmiron Users Seeking Eye Injury Compensation from Janssen

After these alarming research findings were released to the public, Janssen was hit with a wave of Elmiron eye injury lawsuits. To date, thousands of plaintiffs have filed Elmiron lawsuits in federal court and there are additional Elmiron claims pending in state courts across the country. Each Elmiron lawsuit involves similar claims that Janssen manufactured a dangerous drug and either knew or should have known about the potential for patients to suffer pigmentary maculopathy side effects from Elmiron, yet failed to provide adequate warnings about this risk. It is important to note that pentosan polysulfate sodium toxicity has been identified as the only cause of pigmentary maculopathy. Some examples of vision problems linked to the drug treatment include the following:

  • Blurred vision
  • Distorted vision
  • Difficulty adapting to dim lighting or darkness
  • Difficulty adjusting after exposure to bright light
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Eye color changes
  • Straight lines appearing curvy
  • Blind spots or dark spots in vision
  • Difficulty reading
  • Muted colors
  • Vision loss

How Do I Find Out if I Qualify to Bring an Elmiron Lawsuit?

You may qualify to file an Elmiron injury lawsuit if you took Elmiron and the medication caused damage to your retina, adversely affecting your vision. Most plaintiffs with pending claims against Janssen:

  • Took Elmiron for at least two years;
  • Suffered vision problems like blurred or distorted vision, difficulty reading, or vision loss; and
  • Sought medical treatment for their vision issues and were subsequently diagnosed with pigmentary maculopathy, retinal maculopathy, or macular degeneration, either during Elmiron treatment or shortly after discontinuing treatment.

If you meet these criteria, you may be eligible for financial compensation from Janssen Pharmaceuticals for your injuries. However, the best way to determine whether you qualify to bring an Elmiron lawsuit is to contact a knowledgeable attorney with experience handling Elmiron injury claims. Call Consumer Safety Watch as soon as possible to find out how we can help.

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