Elmiron Vision Loss Lawsuits May be Nearing Settlement Talks

The U.S. District Judge presiding over the federal Elmiron vision loss litigation has ordered attorneys representing all plaintiffs and unfiled claimants to submit information about all potential claims involving eye damage allegedly caused by the controversial bladder drug. This could be a sign that Elmiron settlement negotiations are close at hand, which would be good news for those who have been adversely affected by Elmiron vision loss side effects. If you or someone you love has suffered vision loss or any other type of eye damage while taking the interstitial cystitis drug Elmiron, do not hesitate to speak to an Elmiron attorney about your legal options. You may be eligible to join the ongoing Elmiron litigation, in which case an experienced attorney can help you determine how much your claim may be worth.

Elmiron Treatment Linked to Novel Maculopathy

Elmiron, also known as pentosan polysulfate sodium (PPS), is a prescription medication used to treat interstitial cystitis (IC), a chronic bladder condition that causes bladder pressure and bladder pain and is sometimes accompanied by pelvic pain. Elmiron is currently the only oral medication approved by the FDA to treat the pain and discomfort associated with interstitial cystitis, and it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of people with IC have been treated with the drug. Elmiron has recently been linked to a rare form of retinal damage known as pigmentary maculopathy. In fact, this novel eye damage is so closely associated with Elmiron use that the condition has been termed pentosan polysulfate maculopathy. Unfortunately, since there is no cure for interstitial cystitis, people with the bladder condition typically end up taking Elmiron for years, with no idea that it may permanently damage their vision.

Elmiron Vision Loss Lawsuits Allege Failure to Warn

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that long-term Elmiron use, and even short-term use in some cases, may be linked to permanent retinal damage. Now, a growing number of Elmiron users are pursuing legal claims against Johnson & Johnson and its Janssen Pharmaceuticals subsidiary, alleging that the drug makers failed to provide users with accurate information about the long-term side effects of Elmiron. The Elmiron lawsuits all involve similar allegations that users could have avoided suffering vision loss, blindness, and other irreversible eye problems had they been properly warned about the potential risks. More than 800 lawsuits have already been filed in courts across the country by people who have been diagnosed with pigmentary maculopathy and other alleged Elmiron-related vision problems, and reports suggest that hundreds, if not thousands, of additional claims are being investigated and may soon be added to the litigation.

Elmiron lawsuits filed throughout the federal court system have been consolidated before U.S. District Judge Brian R. Martinotti in New Jersey, as part of a multidistrict litigation (MDL), and a series of early bellwether trials have been scheduled as a means of assessing how juries may react to evidence and testimony that will likely be repeated throughout the growing Elmiron litigation. Earlier this month, Judge Martinotti issued a case management order announcing a deadline for attorneys involved in the Elmiron litigation to submit information on all potential claims, both filed and unfiled. While there have been no reported Elmiron settlements to date, there is speculation that this call for information on all claims may lead to Elmiron settlement negotiations, as Johnson & Johnson and its Janssen subsidiary evaluate the full scope of the liability they may face for Elmiron-related injuries.

Contact Consumer Safety Watch Today for Help

The manufacturers of prescription medications like Elmiron are responsible for the safety of their drugs and for providing warnings about any possible drug side effects. Sadly, a lack of reliable information about Elmiron-related vision problems provided to patients and the medical community means many victims of pentosan polysulfate maculopathy have been misdiagnosed with macular degeneration, pattern dystrophy, and other more widely recognized eye diseases. Unaware that their vision problems may be caused by Elmiron, these people may continue taking the drug and worsen their eye condition. If you took Elmiron as a treatment for interstitial cystitis, and you have experienced vision distortion, blurred vision, difficulty reading, difficulty adjusting to dim lighting, or other vision problems, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries. Contact Consumer Safety Watch today to find out how we can help.

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